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Saturday, November 28, 2015

TS-Remote-App: Create a launcher box containing the programs from C:\Users\Public\Desktop

This compiled .ahk will behave like an application launcher for multiple programs from TS in Remote-App mode. If you don't want it to launch the first program automatically, replace || with a single | on line #9.

;(c)2014 under the terms of LGPL v2

#SingleInstance force

files =

Directory = C:\users\public\desktop

Loop, %Directory%\*.lnk, , 1


  fullfile = %A_LoopFileName%

  filename := RegExReplace(fullfile,"\.lnk","")

  files = %filename%||%files%


Gui, Color, 22BBFF

Gui -Caption +Border +AlwaysOnTop 

Gui, Font, S11, Tahoma

Gui, Add,Button, x255 Y3 w35 h22 gButtonOK, OK

Gui, Add,Button, x10 Y3 w35 h22 gButtonKill, X

Gui Add, ComboBox, X50 Y1 h10 r20 W200 vScript, %files%

Gui Show, x50 y0 H28 W300


GuiControlGet Script,, script

if script <>

Run, %Directory%\%script%.lnk, , ,PID



Process, Close, %PID%

Sleep, 1000




Friday, November 27, 2015

Upgrade PC*MILER from v23 to v28

Install PCM v28

Import custom places:
1.       Open PC*MILER 28
2.       Go to Tools>Import (Custom Places)
3.       Select File CustomPlaces.txt (in this folder)
4.       Follow File Import Steps - choose the corresponcence between fields, check "first row contain column header"
a.       At the end, be sure to select the option to Add to Custom Place Manager
b. Select the option, prior to adding the location, to overwrite existing places

Transfer the "avoids" in custom road manager:
1. Open PCM28
2. Go to Tools>Convert (Custom Roads)
3. Select the AvoidNa.dat file from your PC*MILER 23 Options folder (is in the same folder with this readme)

Enable the asp COM connection:

IIS MGR - Add Web Site

-Right-Click on ‘Sites’ and choose ‘Add Web Site’
Physical Path:  C:\ALK Technologies\PMW250\Connect\COM\ASP 
Physical path Credentials:  pcmiisuser (Setup using any name within Windows User Accounts – Page 4) 
Binding:  Type-http; IP Address-All Unassigned; Port-8080

Advanced Settings
Physical Path:  C:\ALK Technologies\PMW250\Connect\COM\ASP 
Application Pool:  PCMS_Test (Setup using any name with Application Pools) 
Physical path Credentials:  pcmiisuser (Setup using any name within Windows User Accounts – Page 4) 
Application Pool – Advanced Settings 
Name:   PCMS_Test 
Enable 32-Bit Applications:  True 
Managed Pipeline Mode:  Classic 
Identity:  NetworkService 
Loaded User Profile:  False

User Accounts
Domain:  WIN2K8R2X64-VM (Local Machine) 
Group:  Administrators

IIS MGR SITE Permissions (Edit Permissions)
Add ‘PCMIISUSER’ with Full Control

Enable Directory Browsing
-Double-Click on ‘Directory Browsing’ 
-Choose ‘Enable’

Request Filtering
-Double-Click ‘Request Filtering’ 
-Remove extension asa

Make sure COM is registered
-     Browse to: C:\ALK Technologies\PMW250\Connect\COM
-     OVERWRITE pcmsole.dll with the one that comes from v23! (it should be in this folder)
-     Run ‘useCom32.bat’
-     Test with ‘ConnectComTester32’

Start/Restart IIS
-From CMD:  iisreset
-Within IIS : Right-Hand Pane>Manage Web Site>Start

To Run Sample
-Under ‘Manage Web Site’ and ‘Browse Web Site’ 
-Choose ‘Browse *:8080 (http)
-Choose ‘Server_demo.asp’

Enable the Maps ASP COM connection:

IIS MGR - Add Web Site
-Right-Click on ‘Sites’ and choose ‘Add Web Site’
Physical Path:  C:\ALK Technologies\PMW250\MAPPING\ASP 
Physical path Credentials:  pcmiisuser (Setup using any name within Windows User Accounts – Page 4) 
Binding:  Type-http; IP Address-All Unassigned; Port-8081

Advanced Settings
Physical Path:  C:\ALK Technologies\PMW250\MAPPING\ASP 
Application Pool:  PCMMTest (Setup using any name with Application Pools) 
Physical path Credentials:  pcmiisuser (Setup using any name within Windows User Accounts – Page 4) 
Application Pool – Advanced Settings 
Name:   PCMM_Test 
Enable 32-Bit Applications:  True 
Managed Pipeline Mode:  Classic 
Identity:  NetworkService 
Loaded User Profile:  False

User Accounts
Domain:  WIN2K8R2X64-VM (Local Machine) 
Group:  Administrators

IIS MGR SITE Permissions (Edit Permissions)
Add ‘PCMIISUSER’ with Full Control

Enable Directory Browsing
-Double-Click on ‘Directory Browsing’ 
-Choose ‘Enable’

Request Filtering
-Double-Click ‘Request Filtering’ 
-Remove extension .asa

Make sure COM is registered
-     Browse to: C:\ALK Technologies\PMW250\Mapping\COM
-     OVERWRITE pcmgole.dll with the one that comes from v27 (it should be in the same folder with this readme)!
-     Run ‘useCom32.bat’
-     Test with ‘C:\ALK Technologies\PCMILER28\Mapping\mapwin32.exe’

Start/Restart IIS
-From CMD:  iisreset
-Within IIS : Right-Hand Pane>Manage Web Site>Start

To Run Sample
-Under ‘Manage Web Site’ and ‘Browse Web Site’ 
-Choose ‘Browse *:8081 (http)
-Choose ‘Mapping_demo.asp’

HP-2530-24G QOS by IP

The phone system will use the ip 192.168.x.21 or .22 (x=2 in branch 1, 6 in branch 2, 8 in branch 3)
The packets coming from those IPs are marked on the switch with DSCP code "EF" (dec 46  bin 101110) - Priority 7 High and treated by Bell's MPLS equipment as class C5 (Voice Signaling and Voice/Telephony)

Running configuration:

; J9776A Configuration Editor; Created on release #YA.15.12.0007
; Ver #04:01.ff.37.XX.XX
hostname "HP-2530-24G"
qos device-priority dscp 101110
qos type-of-service ip-precedence
snmp-server community "public" unrestricted
vlan 1
    name "DEFAULT_VLAN"
    untagged 1-28
    ip address

Branch 2:

Running configuration:

; J9775A Configuration Editor; Created on release #YA.15.12.0007
; Ver #04:01.ff.37.XX.XX
hostname "HP-2530-48G"
qos device-priority dscp 101110
qos type-of-service ip-precedence
ip default-gateway
snmp-server community "public" unrestricted
vlan 1
   name "DEFAULT_VLAN"
   untagged 1-52
   ip address

ChangeSN Windows XP

' WMI Script - ChangeSN.vbs

VOL_PROD_KEY = "12345123451234512345" 'put here the real license without dashes
Dim WshShell
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.RegDelete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows 
'delete OOBETimer registry value
for each Obj in 
result = Obj.SetProductKey (VOL_PROD_KEY)
if err <> 0 then
WScript.Echo Err.Description, "0x" & Hex(Err.Number)
end if

Recreate Offline Address Book - Exchange 2010

1.    Create a new OAB.

a.    Open Exchange Management Console, expand “Organization Configuration” ->”Mailbox”.
b.    Click “Offline Address Book” tab. Right click the blank area and click “New Offline Address Book”.
c.    Type a different OAB name and click “Browse” to select the Exchange 2010 mailbox server as OAB generation server.
d.    Checked “Include the default Global Address Lists” option. As shown below:
e.    Click Next and checked “ Enable Web-base distribution” option and “ Enable public folder distribution” option. Click “Add” to select the default OAB virtual directory.
f.     Click “Next”, click “New” and click “Finish” to complete the creating process.


2.    Restart related services.

a.    Restart the “Microsoft Exchange System Attendant” service.
b.    Restart “Microsoft Exchange File Distribution” service.


3.    Update the new OAB and set it as default.

a.    Right click the new create OAB and click “Update” to update it manually. Waiting 15-30 minutes for the OAB generate finished.
b.    Right click the new OAB and click “set as default”. Click “Yes” to confirm it.


4.    Associate the new OAB to all the users’ mailbox databases.

a.    Expand “Server Configuration” ->”Mailbox”. Right click “mailbox database” and select “Properties”.
b.    Click “Client Settings” tab, under “Offline Address Book” option, click “Browse” button to choose the new created OAB. It will associate the new OAB to the mailbox store. Click “OK”. As shown below.
c.    Let problematic users click “Send/Receive” button on their Outlook client to download OAB, check whether the problem is resolved.

Monday, November 02, 2015

Install HPSUM on an rpm base distro

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
cp /mnt/compaq/psp/linux /tmp/
cd /tmp/linux

- check for the prerequisite, usually you need expect, kernel-headers, rpm-build, gcc, libnl, redhat-rpm-config, openipmi and net-snmp  either form the redhat installation dvd (rpm -Uvh package), or you can use "yum install package" if you have yum repositories configured.
- you need to manually install hp-snmp-agents package from the hp dvd, it is not installed by hpsum (I presume it's a glitch). hp-snmp-agents needs hp-health (you find them both in the /tmp/linux directory that you just copied from the dvd)
- re-run ./hpsum untill you have no conflicts/unresolved dependecies!
- after installation and reboot run /sbin/hpsnmpconfig - you have to provide only the readonly (public) and the read/write (private) comunity for snmp.
- if everything seems ok, edit /opt/hp/hp-snmp-agents/cma.conf lin 22: trapemail . at the end of the line replace root with your email address - REMEMBER: you need a functional sendmail in order to be able to send emails!

HP Important Note:   The server needs to have 'sudo' installed in order to start or stop the snmp daemon and to send test traps.   'sudo' grants controlled root access to groups or users.   If installed after hp-snmp-agents please run a '/sbin/hpsnmpconfig'. In case of VMware ESX 3.x series, please run '/etc/init.d/hpasm reconfigure' after installation of hpasm.   These buttons will NOT work if 'sudo' is configured to only run when the user is logged into a 'real' tty.   To be able to perform the operations of start, stop, restart of the snmpd daemon, the user must comment out the line 'Defaults requiretty' in the /etc/sudoers file.   See man sudoers for details about the 'requiretty' flag.   If present, this flag will need to be removed from the '/etc/sudoers' configuration file.   The 'send trap' button also requires a tool snmptrap to be present on the system.   This tool is often bundled with the snmp stack (Suse) or in a package called 'net-snmp-util' (Red Hat).

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