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Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Web Interface for Parental Control

This continues the Parental Control post from last month.

First of all, in order to protect the web page, we need an authentication method. A simple user/password will do for the moment (it's not perfect, you can bypass it by accessing directly the /cgi-bin/, but for the purpose of this exercise is OK-ish) .

Make sure that in the lighttpd.conf, mod_auth and mod_access are loaded,
server.modules += ( "mod_access" )
server.modules += ( "mod_auth" )

and the host section is protected

HTTP["url"] =~ "^/" {
auth.backend = "plain"
auth.backend.plain.userfile = "/jffs/lighttpd/.lighttpdpassword"
auth.require = ( "/" => (
"method" => "basic",
"realm" => "Password protected Parental Control",
"require" => "valid-user"
(where /jffs/lighttpd/.lighttpdpassword contains the plaintext credentials, let's say parent:password)

The following index.html must be placed into the lighthttpd www root (/jffs/www/):

<html xmlns="">
   <title>Parental Control</title>
     <form action="../cgi-bin/" method="POST">
     <button name="name" value="value" style="background-color:lime;height:150px;width:400px"> Allow internet </button>
     <form action="../cgi-bin/" method="POST">
     <button name="name" value="value" style="background-color:yellowgreen;height:150px;width:400px">  Allow games  </button>
     <form action="../cgi-bin/" method="POST">
     <button name="name" value="value" style="background-color:khaki;height:150px;width:400px">  Allow only YouTube  </button>
     <form action="../cgi-bin/" method="POST">
     <button name="name" value="value" style="background-color:red;height:150px;width:400px"> No internet </button>
     <form action="../cgi-bin/" method="POST">
     <button name="name" value="value" style="background-color:lightcoral;height:150px;width:400px">  No games  </button>
     <form action="../cgi-bin/" method="POST">
     <button name="name" value="value" style="background-color:cyan;height:150px;width:400px">  Show actual  </button>

The following scripts will be placed into the ./cgi-bin folder:
OUTPUT=$('/jffs/allow_game ; sleep 1; iptables -L FORWARD | grep DROP | grep -v "DROP       0    --  anywhere             anywhere" | if grep -q "DROP       0    --    anywhere"; then echo NO Internet; else echo Allow Internet; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/yt-block.conf; then echo Allow YT; else echo NO YT; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/games-block.conf; then echo Allow Games; else echo NO Games; fi' | awk 'BEGIN{print "<table>"} {print "<tr>";for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)print "<td>" $i"</td>";print "</tr>"} END{print "</table>"}')
echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
echo "<html><head><title>Parental Control</title></head><body>"
echo "Rules are: $OUTPUT <br><p>"
echo "<form><input type='button' style='background-color:cyan;height:200px;width:400px' value='Back' onclick='history.back()'></form>"
echo "</body></html>"
OUTPUT=$('/jffs/del_fw ;sleep 1; iptables -L FORWARD | grep DROP | grep -v "DROP       0    --  anywhere             anywhere" | if grep -q "DROP       0    --    anywhere"; then echo NO Internet; else echo Allow Internet; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/yt-block.conf; then echo Allow YT; else echo NO YT; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/games-block.conf; then echo Allow Games; else echo NO Games; fi' | awk 'BEGIN{print "<table>"} {print "<tr>";for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)print "<td>" $i"</td>";print "</tr>"} END{print "</table>"}')
echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
echo "<html><head><title>Parental Control</title></head><body>"
echo "Rules are: $OUTPUT <br><p>"
echo "<form><input type='button' style='background-color:cyan;height:200px;width:400px' value='Back' onclick='history.back()'></form>"
echo "</body></html>"
OUTPUT=$('/jffs/allow_yt ; sleep 1; iptables -L FORWARD | grep DROP | grep -v "DROP       0    --  anywhere             anywhere" | if grep -q "DROP       0    --    anywhere"; then echo NO Internet; else echo Allow Internet; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/yt-block.conf; then echo Allow YT; else echo NO YT; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/games-block.conf; then echo Allow Games; else echo NO Games; fi' | awk 'BEGIN{print "<table>"} {print "<tr>";for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)print "<td>" $i"</td>";print "</tr>"} END{print "</table>"}')
echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
echo "<html><head><title>Parental Control</title></head><body>"
echo "Rules are: $OUTPUT <br><p>"
echo "<form><input type='button' style='background-color:cyan;height:200px;width:400px' value='Back' onclick='history.back()'></form>"
echo "</body></html>"
OUTPUT=$('iptables -L FORWARD | grep DROP | grep -v "DROP       0    --  anywhere             anywhere" | if grep -q "DROP       0    --    anywhere"; then echo NO Internet; else echo Allow Internet; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/yt-block.conf; then echo Allow YT; else echo NO YT; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/games-block.conf; then echo Allow Games; else echo NO Games; fi;' | awk 'BEGIN{print "<table>"} {print "<tr>";for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)print "<td>" $i"</td>";print "</tr>"} END{print "</table>"}')
echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
echo "<html><head><title>Parental Control</title></head><body>"
echo "Rules are: $OUTPUT <br><p>"
echo "<form><input type='button' style='background-color:cyan;height:200px;width:400px' value='Back' onclick='history.back()'></form>"
echo "</body></html>"
OUTPUT=$('/jffs/disable_game && iptables -L FORWARD | grep DROP | grep -v "DROP       0    --  anywhere             anywhere" | if grep -q "DROP       0    --    anywhere"; then echo NO Internet; else echo Allow Internet; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/yt-block.conf; then echo Allow YT; else echo NO YT; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/games-block.conf; then echo Allow Games; else echo NO Games; fi' | awk 'BEGIN{print "<table>"} {print "<tr>";for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)print "<td>" $i"</td>";print "</tr>"} END{print "</table>"}')
echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
echo "<html><head><title>Parental Control</title></head><body>"
echo "Rules are: $OUTPUT <br><p>"
echo "<form><input type='button' style='background-color:cyan;height:200px;width:400px' value='Back' onclick='history.back()'></form>"
echo "</body></html>"
OUTPUT=$('/jffs/add_fw && iptables -L FORWARD | grep DROP | grep -v "DROP       0    --  anywhere             anywhere" | if grep -q "DROP       0    --    anywhere"; then echo NO Internet; else echo Allow Internet; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/yt-block.conf; then echo Allow YT; else echo NO YT; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/games-block.conf; then echo Allow Games; else echo NO Games; fi' | awk 'BEGIN{print "<table>"} {print "<tr>";for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)print "<td>" $i"</td>";print "</tr>"} END{print "</table>"}')
echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
echo "<html><head><title>Parental Control</title></head><body>"
echo "Rules are: $OUTPUT <br><p>"
echo "<form><input type='button' style='background-color:cyan;height:200px;width:400px' value='Back' onclick='history.back()'></form>"
echo "</body></html>"

Now a very simple web page will allow you to control the kids internet from any browser:

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