First of all, in order to protect the web page, we need an authentication method. A simple user/password will do for the moment (it's not perfect, you can bypass it by accessing directly the /cgi-bin/, but for the purpose of this exercise is OK-ish) .
Make sure that in the lighttpd.conf, mod_auth and mod_access are loaded,
server.modules += ( "mod_access" )
server.modules += ( "mod_auth" )
HTTP["url"] =~ "^/" {
auth.backend = "plain"
auth.backend.plain.userfile = "/jffs/lighttpd/.lighttpdpassword"
auth.require = ( "/" => (
"method" => "basic",
"realm" => "Password protected Parental Control",
"require" => "valid-user"
(where /jffs/lighttpd/.lighttpdpassword contains the plaintext credentials, let's say parent:password)
The following index.html must be placed into the lighthttpd www root (/jffs/www/):
<html xmlns="">
<title>Parental Control</title>
<form action="../cgi-bin/" method="POST">
<button name="name" value="value" style="background-color:lime;height:150px;width:400px"> Allow internet </button>
<form action="../cgi-bin/" method="POST">
<button name="name" value="value" style="background-color:yellowgreen;height:150px;width:400px"> Allow games </button>
<form action="../cgi-bin/" method="POST">
<button name="name" value="value" style="background-color:khaki;height:150px;width:400px"> Allow only YouTube </button>
<form action="../cgi-bin/" method="POST">
<button name="name" value="value" style="background-color:red;height:150px;width:400px"> No internet </button>
<form action="../cgi-bin/" method="POST">
<button name="name" value="value" style="background-color:lightcoral;height:150px;width:400px"> No games </button>
<form action="../cgi-bin/" method="POST">
<button name="name" value="value" style="background-color:cyan;height:150px;width:400px"> Show actual </button>
The following scripts will be placed into the ./cgi-bin folder:
OUTPUT=$('/jffs/allow_game ; sleep 1; iptables -L FORWARD | grep DROP | grep -v "DROP 0 -- anywhere anywhere" | if grep -q "DROP 0 -- anywhere"; then echo NO Internet; else echo Allow Internet; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/yt-block.conf; then echo Allow YT; else echo NO YT; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/games-block.conf; then echo Allow Games; else echo NO Games; fi' | awk 'BEGIN{print "<table>"} {print "<tr>";for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)print "<td>" $i"</td>";print "</tr>"} END{print "</table>"}')
echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
echo "<html><head><title>Parental Control</title></head><body>"
echo "Rules are: $OUTPUT <br><p>"
echo "<form><input type='button' style='background-color:cyan;height:200px;width:400px' value='Back' onclick='history.back()'></form>"
echo "</body></html>"
OUTPUT=$('/jffs/del_fw ;sleep 1; iptables -L FORWARD | grep DROP | grep -v "DROP 0 -- anywhere anywhere" | if grep -q "DROP 0 -- anywhere"; then echo NO Internet; else echo Allow Internet; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/yt-block.conf; then echo Allow YT; else echo NO YT; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/games-block.conf; then echo Allow Games; else echo NO Games; fi' | awk 'BEGIN{print "<table>"} {print "<tr>";for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)print "<td>" $i"</td>";print "</tr>"} END{print "</table>"}')
echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
echo "<html><head><title>Parental Control</title></head><body>"
echo "Rules are: $OUTPUT <br><p>"
echo "<form><input type='button' style='background-color:cyan;height:200px;width:400px' value='Back' onclick='history.back()'></form>"
echo "</body></html>"
OUTPUT=$('/jffs/allow_yt ; sleep 1; iptables -L FORWARD | grep DROP | grep -v "DROP 0 -- anywhere anywhere" | if grep -q "DROP 0 -- anywhere"; then echo NO Internet; else echo Allow Internet; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/yt-block.conf; then echo Allow YT; else echo NO YT; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/games-block.conf; then echo Allow Games; else echo NO Games; fi' | awk 'BEGIN{print "<table>"} {print "<tr>";for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)print "<td>" $i"</td>";print "</tr>"} END{print "</table>"}')
echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
echo "<html><head><title>Parental Control</title></head><body>"
echo "Rules are: $OUTPUT <br><p>"
echo "<form><input type='button' style='background-color:cyan;height:200px;width:400px' value='Back' onclick='history.back()'></form>"
echo "</body></html>"
OUTPUT=$('iptables -L FORWARD | grep DROP | grep -v "DROP 0 -- anywhere anywhere" | if grep -q "DROP 0 -- anywhere"; then echo NO Internet; else echo Allow Internet; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/yt-block.conf; then echo Allow YT; else echo NO YT; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/games-block.conf; then echo Allow Games; else echo NO Games; fi;' | awk 'BEGIN{print "<table>"} {print "<tr>";for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)print "<td>" $i"</td>";print "</tr>"} END{print "</table>"}')
echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
echo "<html><head><title>Parental Control</title></head><body>"
echo "Rules are: $OUTPUT <br><p>"
echo "<form><input type='button' style='background-color:cyan;height:200px;width:400px' value='Back' onclick='history.back()'></form>"
echo "</body></html>"
OUTPUT=$('/jffs/disable_game && iptables -L FORWARD | grep DROP | grep -v "DROP 0 -- anywhere anywhere" | if grep -q "DROP 0 -- anywhere"; then echo NO Internet; else echo Allow Internet; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/yt-block.conf; then echo Allow YT; else echo NO YT; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/games-block.conf; then echo Allow Games; else echo NO Games; fi' | awk 'BEGIN{print "<table>"} {print "<tr>";for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)print "<td>" $i"</td>";print "</tr>"} END{print "</table>"}')
echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
echo "<html><head><title>Parental Control</title></head><body>"
echo "Rules are: $OUTPUT <br><p>"
echo "<form><input type='button' style='background-color:cyan;height:200px;width:400px' value='Back' onclick='history.back()'></form>"
echo "</body></html>"
OUTPUT=$('/jffs/add_fw && iptables -L FORWARD | grep DROP | grep -v "DROP 0 -- anywhere anywhere" | if grep -q "DROP 0 -- anywhere"; then echo NO Internet; else echo Allow Internet; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/yt-block.conf; then echo Allow YT; else echo NO YT; fi; if grep -qm1 "#" /tmp/games-block.conf; then echo Allow Games; else echo NO Games; fi' | awk 'BEGIN{print "<table>"} {print "<tr>";for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)print "<td>" $i"</td>";print "</tr>"} END{print "</table>"}')
echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
echo "<html><head><title>Parental Control</title></head><body>"
echo "Rules are: $OUTPUT <br><p>"
echo "<form><input type='button' style='background-color:cyan;height:200px;width:400px' value='Back' onclick='history.back()'></form>"
echo "</body></html>"
Now a very simple web page will allow you to control the kids internet from any browser: