In case you have, like me, a secodary dns on your DD-WRT router, you need a dns adblock on it too. By modifying the excellent tutorial from I came to this script:
########Functions setup#########################
logger -s -p local0.notice -t ad_blocker $1
ln -s /tmp/$1 /jffs/dns/$2
if [ "`echo $?`" -eq 0 ] ; then
logger_ads "Created $3 softlink to RAM on JFFS"
logger_ads "The attempt to create $3 softlink to RAM on JFFS *FAILED*"
logger_ads "it is obvious something IS *terribly wrong*. Will now exit... bye (ads will not be blocked)"
exit 1
logger_ads "I assure you this only takes $1 blocks, but I guess your too close to the edge for JFFSs comfort"
logger_ads "deleting the half witted file, as to not confuse the DNS service and free up the JFFS space for other uses."
nvram set aviad_changed_nvram=0
logger_ads "########### Ads blocker script starting ###########"
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
logger_ads "Sleeping for 30 secs to give time for router boot"
sleep 30
logger_ads "override switch given"
[[ $1 = "-h" || $1 = "/?" ]] && echo "use -m to override the 30 seconds delay and -f to force a list refresh" && exit 0
[ $1 = "-f" ] && rm /jffs/dns/dnsmasq.adblock.conf && rm /jffs/dns/dlhosts
while ! ping -c 1 > /dev/null ; do
logger_ads "waiting for the internet connection to come up"
sleep 5
logger_ads "Adding a refresh cycle by puting the script in cron if it isnt there yet"
if [[ -z "`cat /tmp/crontab | grep "/jffs/dns/"`" ]] ; then
echo '0 0 * * * root /jffs/dns/ -m' > /tmp/crontab
stopservice cron && logger_ads "stopped the cron service" startservice cron && logger_ads "started the cron service"
logger_ads "The script is already in cron"
logger_ads "New IP and ports setup. Reserve the IP .100 for pixelserv"
pixel="`ifconfig br0 | grep inet | awk '{ print $2 }' | awk -F ":" '{ print $2 }' | cut -d . -f 1,2,3`.100"
mgmtip="`ifconfig br0 | grep inet | awk '{ print $2 }' | awk -F ":" '{ print $2 }'`"
# In my case, on IP .100 I have an apache serving null.html as error page. Comment
next 3 paragraphs, as I don't need pixelserv
#logger_ads "Move http interface to $mgmtip:88"
#if [[ -z "`ps | grep -v grep | grep "httpd -p 88"`" && `nvram get http_lanport` -ne 88 ]]
; then
# logger_ads "it seems that the http is not setup yet on port :88"
# stopservice httpd
# nvram set http_lanport=88
# nvram set aviad_changed_nvram=1
# startservice httpd
# logger_ads "The http is already setup on $mgmtip:88"
#logger_ads "Redirect setup IP/Port from $mgmtip:80 to $mgmtip:88"
#[[ -z "`iptables -L -n -t nat | grep $mgmtip | grep 80`" ]] && logger_ads "did NOT find an active redirect rule with the iptable command, injecting it now." && /usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING 1 -d $mgmtip -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to $mgmtip:88
#nvram get rc_firewall > /tmp/fw.tmp
#if [[ -z "`cat /tmp/fw.tmp | grep "/usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING 1 -d $mgmtip p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to $mgmtip:88"`" ]] ; then
# echo "/usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING 1 -d $mgmtip -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to $mgmtip:88" >> /tmp/fw.tmp
# nvram set rc_firewall="`cat /tmp/fw.tmp`"
# logger_ads "DONE appending forwarding to FW script"
# nvram set aviad_changed_nvram=1
# logger_ads "The redirection $mgmtip:80 -> $mgmtip:88 in FW script is already in place"
#rm /tmp/fw.tmp
#logger_ads "Starting or ReSpawning pixelsrv on $pixel IP :80"
#/sbin/ifconfig br0:1 $pixel netmask "`ifconfig br0 | grep inet | awk '{ print $4 }' | awk -F ":" '{ print $2 }'`" broadcast "`ifconfig br0 | grep inet | awk '{ print $3 }' | awk -F ":" '{print $2 }'`" up
#if [[ -n "`ps | grep -v grep | grep /jffs/dns/pixelserv`" ]]; then
# logger_ads "the pixelserv is already up"
# logger_ads "it seems that the pixelserv isnt up. starting it now"# /jffs/dns/pixelserv $pixel -p 80
logger_ads "Get the online dns blocking lists"
[ ! -e /jffs/dns/whitelist ] && echo google-analytics > /jffs/dns/whitelist && echo >> /jffs/dns/whitelist
if [[ -n "$(find /jffs/dns/dlhosts -mtime +7)" || -n "$(find /jffs/dns/dnsmasq.adblock.conf mtime +7)" || ! -e /jffs/dns/dlhosts || ! -e /jffs/dns/dnsmasq.adblock.conf ]]; then
logger_ads "The lists are NOT setup at all yet, or more then 7 days old, will now retrieve them from the web"
logger_ads "Retrieving the MVPS hosts list..."
wget -q -O - | grep "^"
| grep -v localhost | tr -d '\015' >/tmp/dlhosts.tmp
logger_ads "adjusting the MVPS hosts list for our use"
cat /jffs/dns/whitelist | while read line; do sed -i /${line}/d /tmp/dlhosts.tmp
; done
sed -i s/$pixel/g /tmp/dlhosts.tmp
logger_ads "done adjusting the MVPS hosts list."
logger_ads "Retrieving the Yoyo domain list..."
wget -q
"" -O /tmp/adblock.tmp
logger_ads "adjusting the Yoyo domain list for our use"
cat /jffs/dns/whitelist | while read line; do sed -i /${line}/d /tmp/adblock.tmp
; done
sed -i s/$pixel/g /tmp/adblock.tmp
if [ "`df| grep /jffs | awk '{ print $4 }'`" -ge 65 ] ; then
logger_ads "Moving the Yoyo list to JFFS (as it looks that there is enough space for it)"
mv /tmp/adblock.tmp /jffs/dns/dnsmasq.adblock.conf
if [ "`echo $?`" -eq 0 ] ; then
logger_ads "Moving the YoYo domain list to JFFS operation was successful"
note_no_space 20
rm /jffs/dns/dnsmasq.adblock.conf
softlink_func adblock.tmp dnsmasq.adblock.conf YoYo
logger_ads "*NOT* Moving the Yoyo list to JFFS (as it looks that there is *NOT* enough space for it)"
softlink_func adblock.tmp dnsmasq.adblock.conf YoYo
if [ "`df| grep /jffs | awk '{ print $4 }'`" -ge 100 ] ; then
logger_ads "Moving the MVPS hosts list to JFFS (as it looks like there is enough space for it)"
mv /tmp/dlhosts.tmp /jffs/dns/dlhosts
if [ "`echo $?`" -eq 0 ] ; then
logger_ads "Moving the MVPS hosts list to JFFSoperation was successful"
note_no_space 72
rm /jffs/dns/dlhosts
softlink_func dlhosts.tmp dlhosts MVPS
logger_ads "*NOT* Moving the MVPS list to JFFS (as it looks that there is *NOT* enough space for it)"
softlink_func dlhosts.tmp dlhosts MVPS
logger_ads "The lists are less then 7 days old, saving on flash erosion and NOT refreshing them."
logger_ads "Injecting the DNSMasq nvram options with the dynamic block lists"
nvram get dnsmasq_options > /tmp/dns-options.tmp
if [[ -z "`cat /tmp/dns-options.tmp | grep "/jffs/dns/dnsmasq.adblock.conf"`" || -z "`cat /tmp/dns-options.tmp | grep "/jffs/dns/dlhosts"`" && -e /jffs/dns/dnsmasq.adblock.conf ]] ; then
logger_ads "Did not find DNSMsaq options in nvram, adding them now"
echo "conf-file=/jffs/dns/dnsmasq.adblock.conf" >> /tmp/dns-options.tmp
echo "addn-hosts=/jffs/dns/dlhosts" >> /tmp/dns-options.tmp
nvram set aviad_changed_nvram=1
logger_ads "Added options to nvram DNSMasq options"
logger_ads "The DNSMaq options are already in place"
logger_ads "Checking if the personal list is a file"
if [[ -z "`cat /tmp/dnsmasq.conf | grep conf-file=/jffs/dns/personal-ads-list.conf`" && -z "`nvram get dnsmasq_options | grep "/jffs/dns/personal-ads-list.conf"`" && -e /jffs/dns/personal-ads-list.conf ]] ; then
logger_ads "Yes the personal list is in the form of a file"
logger_ads "Removing whitelist from the personal file"
cat /jffs/dns/whitelist | while read line; do sed -i /${line}/d /jffs/dns/personal ads-list.conf ; done
echo "conf-file=/jffs/dns/personal-ads-list.conf" >> /tmp/dns-options.tmp
nvram set aviad_changed_nvram=1
[ ! -e /jffs/dns/personal-ads-list.conf ] && logger_ads "The personal list (assuming there is one) is not in a file"
[ -n "`nvram get dnsmasq_options | grep "/jffs/dns/personal-ads-list.conf"`" ] && logger_ads "The personal list is a file, and... it is already in place according to the NVRAM options readout"
[ "$1" = "-f" ] && cat /jffs/dns/whitelist | while read line; do sed -i /${line}/d /jffs/dns/personal-ads-list.conf ; done && logger_ads "overide switch given so removed whitelist from personal file"
logger_ads "Final settings implementer"
if [ "`nvram get aviad_changed_nvram`" -eq 1 ] ; then
nvram set dnsmasq_options="`cat /tmp/dns-options.tmp`"
logger_ads "Found that NVRAM was changed and committing changes
nvram commit
nvram set aviad_changed_nvram=0
logger_ads "Refreshing DNS settings"
stopservice dnsmasq && logger_ads "stopped the dnsmasq service"
startservice dnsmasq && logger_ads "started the dnsmasq service"
logger_ads "Nothing to commit"
rm /tmp/dns-options.tmp
logger_ads "######### Ads blocker script has finished and you should be up and running ##########