On the RD Session Host Configuration ,the following (compiled as c:\windows\tssession.exe) script is executed as initial shell:
;(c)2014 sorinakis@g**il.com
;msgbox, Username: %A_UserName%
AuthUsers = Administrator|administrator
Loop Parse, AuthUsers, |
ifEqual, A_LoopField, %A_Username%
Sleep, 500
Run, explorer.exe
;MsgBox EXPLORER Executed.
GoTo, End
;MsgBox In the ELSE branch.
Sleep, 500
Run, D:\Partages\apps\LCM\Bin\wrun32.exe -ws -c D:\Partages\apps\LCM\etc\CBLCONFI-RZ_APP.ini utmenu
Sleep 500
WinMaximize, ahk_class AcucobolWClass
IfWinExist, Cie(01)
WinMaximize, Cie(01)
Sleep, 500
WinWaitClose, Cie(01)
Sleep, 500
Run, shutdown /l
Sleep, 100
;MsgBox At the END.
In the void is virtue, and no evil. Wisdom has existance, principle has existance, the Way has existance, spirit is nothingness.